Opalustre™ and OpalCups™
Chemical and Mechanical Abrasion SlurryOpalustre 6.6% hydrochloric acid slurry contains silicon carbide microparticles. This combination provides chemical stain removal along with gentle mechanical abrasion. Opalustre slurry is effective in treating mild fluorosis and stains in the superficial layer of the enamel.1 Opalustre slurry treatments can be combined with bleaching to improve appearance, especially for deeper and more severe fluorosis.1 OpalCups latch-type bristle polishing cups are used with the Opalustre slurry for micropolishing the newly treated enamel surface.
We recommend using Opalescence teeth whitening products prior to an Opalustre abrasion slurry treatment, as this procedure can sometimes be avoided. Additionally, please be aware that because the reactive oxygen needs to dissipate from the tooth before bonding, it is necessary to wait 7–10 days before any bonding procedure2, 3, 4 following a teeth whitening treatment.
- One-appointment results
- Removes superficial white and brown imperfections
- Provides minimally invasive treatment for stains caused by fluorosis
- Hydrochloric acid aids in chemical stain removal
- Silicon carbide microparticles provide gentle mechanical abrasion
- Removes surface stains (0.2 mm in depth)
- Comes in a direct delivery for an easy and mess-free technique
- OpalCups minimize splatter
- Unique offering is a “practice building” product
- Use with White Mac™ Tip
- Certified gluten free
- 1. Celik EU, Yazkan B, Yildiz G, Tunac AT. Clinical performance of a combined approach for the esthetic management of fluorosed teeth: Three-year results. Niger J Clin Pract. 2017;20(8):943–951. doi:10.4103/1119-3077.180066
- 2. Da Silva Machado J, Cândido MS, Sundfeld RH, De Alexandre RS, Cardoso JD, Sundefeld ML. The influence of time interval between bleaching and enamel bonding. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2007;19(2):111–119. doi:10.1111/j.1708-8240.2007.00077.x