A Message from Dr. Fischer
In 1840, the first dental school in America (and in fact in the world) was created in Baltimore, Maryland. Later, many other dental schools sprang up across America. Prior to this, dentistry was taught only via apprenticeship. This new paradigm dramatically raised the bar for both education and dental care. Furthermore, the emphasis that most of these schools came to place on science, including research, raised the bar even further.
At the heart of providing a quality dental education are the professors, assistant professors, staff, and the rest. No dental school in the world surpasses the quality education of American dental schools. This is true for both didactic and hands-on education.
I’ve often said, “There is no profession more noble than that of the teacher” plus, “It is the patient in the chair that it is all about!” This all begins, most notably, with the educators and the students. Every day that I practiced, something would likely occur that caused my mind to go back to dental school years. Comfort was found as I’d recall some specific lessons or principle. Dental educators, I salute you; I hug you. You are the foundation, the guiding light, and the genesis of quality dentists and quality dental care.
- Dr. Dan Fischer
Founder & CEO Emeritus
Ultradent Products, Inc.
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Central University Account Manager

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Southeastern University Account Manager
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Hygiene University Account Manager

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