Ultrawave™ Acteon® Satelec® Tips and Wrenches

NOTE: These products have been discontinued and are only available while supplies last.

In most practices, frequently changing tips is part of the routine. The Ultrawave piezoelectric unit's Color-Coding System and wide variety of tips makes instrument management simple and stress-free. This system and wide variety of “S” style tips makes instrument management simple and efficient. Scaling, endo, perio, and restorative procedures are now easier than ever, thanks to the Ultrawave device’s advanced piezoelectric technology.

  • Corrosion resistant: steel alloy is resistant to decontamination products as well as irrigation solutions
  • Variety of applications: tips are available for scaling, endodontics, periodontal treatment, and restorative procedures
  • Tensile strength: each tip is designed to meet the specific requirements of the procedure1
  • Sterilization: tips are suitable for autoclavable sterilization

  • 1. Data on file.
  • 2. Robinson JP, Macedo RG, Verhaagen B, et al. Cleaning lateral morphological features of the root canal: the role of streaming and cavitation. Int Endod J. 2018;51(1):e55–e64. doi:10.1111/iej.12804
  1. Gillian L, Wen-I. Wu, Ponnambalam Ravi Selvaganapathy, Shimon Friedman, Anil Kishen, Fluid Dynamics and Biofilm Removal Generated by Syringe-delivered and 2 Ultrasonic-assisted Irrigation Methods: A Novel Experimental Approach. JOE — Volume 41, Number 6, June 2015