Peak™ SE Primer

Peak SE Primer contains a strong acid (pH 1.2) with a resin base to ensure optimal etching performance for mechanical retention. The resin contains an ethanol carrier that chases the natural moisture in the tooth, drawing resin in behind it to seal off the etched area while also priming the surface to receive the adhesive. Peak SE Primer is the proven, superior choice for self-etching techniques.
  • Proven superior bond strengths to leading competitors1
  • Unique JetMix syringe preserves chemistry for optimal performance
  • Syringe delivery allows for minimal waste and optimal control intraorally
  • Delivers fresh, stable chemistry
  • Facilitates an easy, one-coat technique
  • Places precisely and conveniently
  • Eliminates the need for mixing wells or brushes
  • Use with Black Mini Brush tip
  • Certified gluten free

  • 1. Data on file.